NG, Michael Kwok-Po
Dean of Science
Dr. Elizabeth K.S. Law Endowed Professor in Data Science
Chair Professor in Mathematics and Chair Professor in Data Science
Chair Professor (Affiliate), Department of Computer Science
- 1995 Ph.D. in Mathematics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
- 1992 M.Phil. in Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong
- 1990 B.Sc. in Mathematics, The University of Hong Kong
- 2021-2023 Associate Director, Institute of Data Science, HKU
- 2020-2023 Chairperson, HKU-TCL Joint Research Center for AI, Director, Faculty of Science, HKU
- 2019-2023 Chair Professor, Department of Mathematics, HKU
- 2019-2021 Director, Research Division for Mathematical and Statistical Science, Faculty of Science, HKU
- 2019-2020 Director, Big Data Research Cluster, Faculty of Science, HKU
- 2015-2019 Chair Professor (Affiliate), Department of Computer Science, HKBU
- 2012-2015 Associate Director, Institute for Computational and Theoretical Studies, HKBU
- 2008-2013 Executive Director, Institute of Computational Mathematics, HKBU
- 2006-2019 Director, Centre for Mathematical Imaging and Vision, HKBU
- 2005-2019 Professor/Chair Professor, MSc Programme Director/Head of Mathematics, HKBU
- 1997-2005 Assistant/Associate Professor, HKU
- 1995-1997 Research Fellow, Computer Science Laboratory, Australian National University
- 2022 AAIA Fellow
- 2021
Second Prize of 2020 Guangdong Natural Science Award (结构张量的理论,计算与应用: W. Li, M. Ng, Y. Chen)
- 2020
Second Prize of 2019 Hunan Natural Science Award (基于正则化方法的图像恢复理论及方法: Y. Wen, Y. Huang, M. Ng, W. Ching, C. Zhu)
- 2019 Honorable Mention Award for The Fifth IEEE International Conference on Multimedia Big Data
(A Weighted Tensor Factorization Method for Low‐rank Tensor Completion: M. Cheng, L. Jing and M. Ng)
- 2017 Feng Kang Prize
Ming Pao News,
Sing Tao News,
Overseas News,
NA Digest News,
CAM Digest News
Presentation Slides)
- 2017 SIAM Fellow
Wenweipo News)
- 2014 HKBU President's Awards for Outstanding Performance in Scholarly
- 2007 Outstanding Research Paper in World Congress in Computer Science
- 2001 HKU Outstanding Young Research Award, (HKU Science)
- 1999 Excellent Young Researcher's Presentation at Nanjing International Conference on Optimization and Numerical Algebra
- 1996 Honourable Mention of Householder Award IX
Research and Publications
- Hong Kong Research Grants Council: General Research Funding Scheme, Joint NSFC-RGC Scheme, Joint HK-Germany Research Scheme, Joint HK-France Research Scheme, Collaborative Research Funding Scheme
- Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute (2008)
- Innovation and Technology Funding:
Intelligent Classification Technologies
for Email Data in Chinese and Mixed Languages (2003-2004),
Sales Knowledge Acquisition and Customer Behavior Analysis Platform For Jewelry Retail Industry (2010-2011),
Heterogeneous Information Fusion Toolkit for Customer Behavior Acquisition and Modeling in Middle to High End Retail Industry (2011-2012)
Deep Learning-Based Trading System for Energy-Relevant Financial Products (2017-2019)
- Consultancy Services: CLP Power,
PCCW, Hong Kong Government Environmental Protection Department, M-finance,
ExchangeRepublic.com, LOGISTICS (HK Productivity Council Publications), Showmuse and Koi Investment Partners
- 2024 Plenary Speaker, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science
- 2023 Biennial French-German Mathematics in Imaging, Phd Prize Jury
- 2023 Contest Committee Member, Feng Kang Prize
- 2022 Plenary Speaker, SIAM Annual Meeting
- 2022 Organization Committee Member, SIAM Conference on Mathematics of Data Science
- 2022-2023 Vice-President, Hong Kong Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (HKSIAM)
- 2021-2022 Organizer, Imaging & Inverse Problems OneWorld Seminars
- 2021-2023 Member, Enterprise Support Scheme Assessment Panel, Innovation and Technology Commission, Hong Kong
- 2021, 2023 Member, Steering Committee of the 2021 Hang Lung Mathematics Awards
- 2021- Member, The Science and Technology Development Fund Project Advisory Committee, Macau
- 2021 Keynote Speaker, The IEEE International Conference on e-Business Engineering
- 2019-2021 Member, SIAM Major Awards Committee
- 2019-2021 Scientific Committee Member, Hong Kong Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics (HKSIAM)
- 2019, 2021 Area Chair, International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
- 2019 Member, ICIAM Maxwell Prize Committee
- 2019 Member, SDM/IBM Early Career Data Mining Researcher Award Committee
- 2018 Co-chair, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, Hong Kong
- 2017-2021 Board and Standing Committee Member,
China Society for Computational Mathematics
- 2017 Co-chair, The Fifteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference,
- 2016-2021 Engineering Panel Member, Hong Kong Research Grants Council Joint Research Schemes
- 2014 Co-chair, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science, Hong Kong
- 2013-2019 Steering Committee Member, International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering
- 2012 Organization Committee Member,
SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
- 2011 Program Co-chair, IEEE International Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine, Hong Kong
- 2009-2015 Engineering Panel Member, Hong Kong Research Grants Council General Research Funding Scheme
- 2009 Plenary Speaker, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra
- 2008- Council Member, Hong Kong Institute of Science
- 2008 Director, Croucher Foundation Advanced Study Institute
- 2007-2011 Board Member, China Society for Computational Mathematics
- 2005-2008 Secretary, East Asia SIAM Section
- 1998-2000, 2002-2006, Public Relations/Publications Secretary, Hong Kong Mathematical Society
- 2019-, Editor-in-Chief, Software Impacts (Elsevier)
- 2006-, Principal Editor, Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics (Elsevier)
- 2023-, Associate Editor, Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision (Springer)
- 2022-, Board Member, AI Remote Sensing Section of Remote Sensing (MDPI)
- 2021-2024, Data Science Area Editor, Advances in Continuous and Discrete Models: Theory and Modern Applications (Elservier)
- 2018-, Associate Editor, Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation (Springer)
- 2018-, Associate Editor, Journal of Scientific Computing (Springer)
- 2018-, Assoicate Editor, SIAM Journal on Imaging Sciences (SIAM)
- 2017-, Associate Editor, Journal of Computational Mathematics (Global Science Press)
- 2015-, Associate Editor, East Asian Journal on Applied Mathematics (Global Science Press)
- 2014-, Associate Editor, Network Modeling Analysis in Health Informatics and Bioinformatics (Springer)
- 2009-2012, Associate Editor, Fuzzy Information and Engineering (Springer)
- 2008-2015, Associate Editor, International Journal of Granular Computing, Rough Sets, and Intelligent Systems (InderScience)
- 2006-, Associate Editor, International Journal of Data Mining and Bioinformatics (InderScience)
- 2005-2010, Associate Editor, SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing (SIAM)
- 2004-, Associate Editor, Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (Wiley-Blackwell)
- 2004-, Editorial Board Member, Multidimensional Systems and Signal Processing (Springer)
- 2003-2016, Associate Editor, Numerical Mathematics: Theory, Methods and Applications (Global Science)
The bringing together of theory and practice leads to the most favourable
results; not only does practice benefit, but the sciences themselves develop
under the influence of practice, which reveals new subjects of investigation
and new aspects of familiar subjects. P.L. Chebyshev