Home > Undergraduate > Double BSc Degree Programme

B.Sc. (Hons.) in Mathematics and Statistics
B.Sc. in Actuarial Science
Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU)
Simon Fraser University (SFU)

Programme Director: Dr. Mark Lau


The fields of mathematics, statistics and actuarial science have evolved dramatically over the past 10 years and is still changing today, as seen by the financial crisis in 2008. Today’s market environment is characterized by increased volatility, with many corporations now recognizing the need for advanced risk management practices. According to The Jobs Related Almanac, actuary is consistently rated as one of the best jobs when salary, work environment, stress, career outlook, security, and physical demands are jointly taken into consideration.

The double degree approach leverages the quantitative and market skills of mathematics, statistics and actuarial science with corporate financial management practices. As such, this programme between HKBU and SFU has many elements, such as risk assessment and market structure, which are not in current course offerings at HKBU. Thus, the programme, while having finance at its heart, represents a unique combination of skills from mathematics, statistics and actuarial science.

Partnering with SFU’s B.Sc. in Actuarial Science programme provides HKBU access to a larger pool of experienced faculty members for teaching in the programme as well as affiliation and recognition from SFU’s programme. At SFU, the staff and students are from a great variety of backgrounds and they form an international community with a global outlook. Besides academic and teaching skills, many staff members have considerable managerial and professional experience gained in North America, Europe and other parts of the world. This experience benefits all our students.

SFU is consistently ranked among Canada’s top comprehensive universities in the annual rankings of Canadian universities and named to the Times Higher Education list of 100 world universities under 50. The Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science at SFU hosts its own consulting services unit to provide expert statistical advice to individuals involved in data-based research projects.


Career prospects

The logical thinking and problem-solving training that our students receive equip them well for a wide range of work opportunities related to mathematics, statistics and actuarial science; they include mathematician, statistician, risk manager, actuary, proprietary trader, investment banker, derivative product development and asset manager, market researcher, statistical consultant, government organizations, academic researcher, and teacher. Moreover, the solid mathematical and statistical foundation equips our students well for postgraduate study; many go on to further their studies in local and overseas institutions, and they are doing very well.

The market demand for graduates from the B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics as well as the B.Sc. in Actuarial Science remains optimistic and continues to grow around the world. With the ability to perform well-trained analytical and deduction skills, such graduates have a wide range of rewarding career choices.

The financial industry is highly sophisticated nowadays and requires graduates having professional level computational techniques and quantitative skills with deep knowledge of mathematics, statistics, econometrics, and finance. The career opportunities for mathematicians who can do statistical analysis are diverse and growing in all business sectors. With an expectation of 21% increase in employment from 2014-2024, mathematicians are well-compensated. The number of vacancies in financial industry has remained high since 2012. In addition to the fact that the market for risk managers has been active over the past few years, high-quality junior risk candidates are also in great shortage. In particular, analysts from operational risk and credit risk with statistics experiences are in high demand over the board.

In Asia, experienced actuary scientists are highly desirable. After completing the B.Sc. in Actuarial Science at SFU of Canada, students can then accumulate some years of commercial experience, complete professional certifications and become highly competitive in the insurance market. When salary, work environment, stress, career outlook, security, and physical demands are jointly taken into consideration, mathematician, statistician, and actuary are consistently rated among the top of the best jobs.


Programme Structure and Curriculum

HKBU Graduation Requirement (128 units):

To fulfill graduation requirements at HKBU, students are required to take 128 units (including 67 units of Major Courses, 31 units of General Education/University Core courses and 30 units of Free Elective courses). Of the 128 units, at least 36 units must be at Level 3 or 4 and at least half of this programme's total units must be earned through HKBU study. Students must maintain an overall grade point average (cGPA) of at least 2.0 for graduation.

SFU Graduation Requirement (120 units):

To fulfill graduation requirements at SFU, students are required to take 120 units in total, including a minimum of 44 upper division units (level 3 or 4 courses) with a minimum of 28 units in the major subject or field, and achieve a cGPA of 2.50 or better to graduate. Students must also meet writing, quantitative and breadth (WQB) requirements as part of any degree program they may undertake.

Double Degree Programme Graduation Requirement

To complete the proposed double degree programme, students are required to fulfill both graduation requirements at HKBU and SFU.

  • A sample study plans at HKBU can be found in  Appendix 1.

  • A five-semester study plan at SFU were attached as  Appendix 2; four- and six-semester are both feasible.


Progression and Exit plans:

The overall performance of the students is evaluated at the end of each year by the Programme Examination Committee, and performance of students with academic problem will be reviewed by the Faculty Undergraduate Studies Committee. This is to ensure that the required standards of performance across the departments are consistent.

By the end of their Year 2 study, students are required to

  • Complete a designated list of required major core, elective, and GE courses with a minimum grade of C+, 

  • Obtain a cGPA of at least 3.00 and a major GPA of at least 3.30,

  • Putonghua requirement at HKBU,

  • Meet the minimum English requirement of SFU (IELTs of 6.5 with no part less than 6.0 or other equivalent qualifications), and any other admissions requirements set by SFU. 

Students who fulfill the above requirements can pursue their Year 3-4 study at SFU. HKBU and SFU will provide assistance in the process of applying for a student visa to Canada.

During their studies at SFU, their academic performance will be evaluated at the end of each semester by the Departmental Management Committee. They are expected to follow the study plan and are expected to maintain a CGPA of 2.50 or above at SFU. Students who do not meet the expectation of studying at SFU will be reviewed by the Departmental Management Committee. A decision will be made for each student in determining whether he/she will advance to the next semester, conditionally advance to the next semester, or be required to withdraw from this double degree programme.

Any student, who fails to progress in the double degree programme either at HKBU or at SFU, may continue to pursue the single degree programme for B.Sc. (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics at HKBU if he/she fulfills the general regulations. The exemption policies for the double degree programme will no longer be applied to the student. A study plan for students, who do not meet the requirements to go SFU and will exit with a single BSc (Hon.) in Mathematics and Statistics degree, is attached in  Appendix 3.


Tuition Fees and Other Expenses
  • Local HKBU students
    • pay only the tuition fees for UGC-funded programmes (i.e., HK$42,100 per academic year) for the 4-year study period of this double degree programme.
      Tuition fee for 60-unit at SFU will be paid by HKBU.

  • Non-local HKBU students
    • pay HKBU tuition fees in first 2 years, then SFU tuition in 3rd and 4th years.
      This double degree programme requires 60-unit at SFU over a period of 2 academic years. The SFU tuition fees for international students is C$1,074 (basic) per unit in AY2022-2023.


Other Expenses to be borne by Students:

Supplementary fee includes the following items:

  • Student fee C$475

  • SFSS Health and Dental Plan C$268

  • Primary Medical Insurance C$300

  • Residence on campus about C$3,500

  • Meal plans for living on campus about C$2,700

The above are estimations only. For the most updated information, visit the   budget estimator of Financial Aid and Awards at SFU. In addition to these expenses, students have to bear other expenses, which include air ticket, books and supplies, daily expenses, etc.

Local students who fail to satisfy the SFU graduation requirements due to insufficient units or wish to take additional units out of interest may be allowed to take extra courses at SFU. HKBU will not be responsible for the induced extra tuition fees. Students are advised to ensure they have sufficient funds to participate in the programme.


Admissions 2023/24

The minimum admissions requirements are the same as Bachelor of Science (JUPAS code: JS2510). All newly admitted students of the Bachelor of Science via the broad-based admission are eligible to apply* this double degree programme. The total quota for this programme is 8 (for both JUPAS and non-JUPAS admissions).

Admissions Application form

  • mid Aug 2023
     List of topics in the entrance examination released

  • 5 Sept 2023
    Applicants return the completed forms and related documents

  • first teaching week in Semester 1, Sept 2023
    Entrance examination, for shortlisted applicants

  • first teaching week in Semester 1, Sept 2023

  • second teaching week in Semester 1, Sept 2023
    Successful applicants will be admitted to the double degree programme and be enrolled to courses according to the study plan for this double degree programme.


* Confirmed recipients of the HKBU Science Double Degree Entrance Scholarship for Local Students are guaranteed to be admitted to this programme and need not re-apply.


Scholarships and Financial Aid
Admission Scholarships
  • HKBU Science Double Degree Entrance Scholarship for Local Students

    Application form 

    Amount per Recipient: Up to HK$332,600 for local applicants and up to 126,800 for nonlocal applicants, subject to students' satisfactory performance.

    Application procedures:

    Dates/ Deadlines Procedures
    22 May 2023 Applicants return the completed forms and related documents
    Mid-June, 2023 Shortlisted applicants will be invited to interviews and entrance examination
    Early-July, 2023 Recipients will receive firmed or conditional offers to be admitted to the double degree programme.

    Expectation of applicant's academic achievements in one sitting:
    1. An aggregate HKDSE score of 33 or above from the best 6 subjects under category A, PLUS Level 5* in Mathematics (Compulsory Part); or
    2. An aggregate HKDSE score of 32 or above from the best 6 subjects under category A, PLUS Level 5** in Mathematics (Compulsory Part); or
    3. GCE applicants with 3ALs, AAA or above (including Mathematics but excluding Chinese & English Language subjects); or
    4. IB applicants with a total score of 37 or above (including bonus points), with 6 in Higher level Mathematics; or
    5. SAT applicants with a combined score of 2,040 or new SAT score of 1,430 or above.

    Shortlisted candidates will be invited to a qualifying examination and interview. Key selection criteria include

    1. Excellent academic records and math skills,
    2. Well-developed written and oral communication skills,
    3. Evidence of commitment to the double degree programme, and
    4. Active extra-curricular activities participation and commitment to community service.

    Recipients of the proposed scholarship are not eligible to other scholarships or awards that subsidize their tuition fee, but may receive other scholarships or awards from other donors or organizations that subsidize their overseas expenses.

    For more details of other scholarships and financial aid, please visit https://sa.hkbu.edu.hk/sfa.


BSc (Hons) in Mathematics and Statistics

The programme is designed to provide students with a solid foundation in mathematical and statistical concepts with an aim towards developing logical thinking and analytical skills.

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