Stochastic Geometry and its Applications, 3rd
edition (2013)
by Chiu, Stoyan, Kendall
and Mecke [*]
[*] Our
dear colleague and co-author, Joseph Mecke, passed
away on 20 February 2014.
The purpose
of this web page is to inform the reader about points around the book, new
ideas and references, as well as errors and typos. We invite you to send your
comments, reviews and critiques to us.
Send an email message to the authors by clicking here.
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Further Remarks, Comments and
Page XXI, line -7:
books on shape include:
a. Small,
C. G. (1996). The Statistical Theory of
Shape. Springer-Verlag, New York
b. Dryden,
I. L. and Mardia, K. V. (1998). Statistical
Shape Analysis. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.
c. Ghosh,
P. K. and Deguchi, K. (2008): Mathematics
of Shape Description. A Morphological Approach to Image Processing and Computer
Graphics. John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd, Singapore.
d. Kendall,
D. G., Barden, D., Carne, T. K., and Le, H. (1999). Shape and Shape Theory. John Wiley & Sons Ltd, Chichester.
e. Lele,
S. R. and Richtsmeier, J. T. (2001). An
Invariant Approach toStatistical Analysis of Shapes. Chapman &
Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.
Page 27, before Section 1.9:
function as can be defined also for non-convex sets, in the
spirit of equation (1.52). Examples for thread-like and film-like sets are
considered on Ciccariello et al. (2016).
S., Riello, P., and Benedetti, A. (2016). Small-angle
scattering behavior of thread-like and film-like systems. J. Appl. Crystallography. 49,
Page 51, Section 2.4:
important property of Poisson processes is given by the mapping theorem, which
says that under some weak conditions, mappings of state spaces retain the
property that a point process is a Poisson process, see Kingman (1993,
pp.17-21). An application of the mapping theorem leads to the result that the
projection of a Poisson process with an absolutely continuous intensity
function from a higher-dimensional space to a lower dimensional one is still a
Poisson process, whose intensity function can be obtained by integrating out
the unused variables.
(1993): given on page 477 of the book.
Page 67, line -6:
Add Ostoja-Starzewski and Stahl (2000) to the list of
references there.
Ostoja-Starzewski, M. and Sthal, D. C. (2000). Random
fiber networks and special elastic orthotropy of paper. J. Elasticity 60,
Page 90, equation (3.106):
set is called the difference body of
Page 99, add to the end:
Estimation method for model which can
be simulated
Baaske et al. (2014) suggested a general
parameter-estimation method based on simulations, which can be applied for the
Boolean model, but which is much more general.
The idea is to use some summary characteristic Z that depends on the parameter of
interest and then find the parameter that minimises
the difference between the values of the empirical and simulated summary
characteristics. It is possible to include in the simulation the used sampling
method. Geostatistical ideas are used for interpolation.
For the particular case of a planar Boolean model with
deterministic discs as grains of radius R
the summary characteristic Z was
chosen as (AA, LA, NA) and the parameter is (λ, R). The authors found that only the density method based on (3.122)
and (3.123) with exactly measured lengths and areas can compete with the
simulation-based approach.
M., Ballani, F., and van den Boogaart,
K.G. (2014). A quasi-likelihood approach to parameter estimation for simulatable statistical models. Image Anal. Stereol. 33, 107-119.
Page 120:
(2013) defines rigorously what a marked
Poisson process is and Baddeley (2010) discusses its properties.
Baddeley, A. J. (2010). Multivariate and marked point
processes. In Gelfand, A. E., Diggle, P. J., Fuentes, M., and Guttorp, P., eds, Handbook of
Spatial Statistics, pp. 371-402. CRC Press, Boca Raton.
Heinrich, L. (2013). Asymptotic methods in statistics
of random point processes. In Spodarev, E., ed., Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields, Lecture
Notes in Mathematics 2068, pp.
115-150. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Page 134, Section 4.4.7, the
second line:
the reference Heinrich (2013) after Hanisch (1982).
Heinrich, L. (2013). Asymptotic methods in statistics
of random point processes. In Spodarev, E., ed., Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields, Lecture
Notes in Mathematics 2068, pp.
115-150. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Page 145, Section 4.7.1:
s in the theory of point process statistics is thoroughly discussed in Heinrich
Heinrich, L. (2013). Asymptotic methods in statistics
of random point processes. In Spodarev, E., ed., Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields, Lecture
Notes in Mathematics 2068, pp.
115-150. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Page 168, lines -8 and -9:
Add one reference: Voss et al. (2010) à
Voss et al. (2010, 2013)
Voss, F., Gloaguen, C., and Schmidt, V. (2013). Random
tessellations and Cox processes. In Spodarev, E., ed., Stochastic Geometry, Spatial Statistics and Random Fields, Lecture
Notes in Mathematics 2068, pp.
115-150. Springer-Verlag, Berlin.
Page 190,
after formula (5.83), add:
and Schuhmacher (2014) obtained the following bounds
after the last line, add:
Mase’s suggestion, Stucki and Schuhmacher (2014) derived bounds for Hs(r), D(r) and K(r).
Stucki, K. and Schuhmacher, D. (2014). Bounds for the
probability generating functional of a Gibbs point process. Adv. Appl. Prob. 46, 21-34.
Page 200, Section 5.6:
random fields play an important role in computer graphics and image processing,
where they go under the term spot noise,
which was introduced by van Wijk (1991), see also Holten et al.
(2006) and Galerne et al. (2011). They serve as models of textures (mostly modeled by
stationary random fields). Spot noise is also used for simulating Gaussian
random fields, through the use of a localised grain,
called a texton,
see Galerne et al. (2014).
B., Gousseau, Y. and Morel, J.-M. (2011). Random
phase textures: theory and synthesis. IEEE
Trans. Image Processing 20,
B., Leclaire, A. and Moisan,
L. (2014). A texton for fast and flexible Gaussian
texture synthesis. In 2014 Proceedings of
the 22nd
European Signal Processing Conference, 1-5 September 2014,
Lisbon, Portugal, pp. 1686-1690.
D., van Wijk, J. J. and Martens, J.-B. (2006). A perceptually
based spectral model for isotropic textures. ACM Trans. Appl. Perception 3,
van Wijk, J.J. (1991). Spot noise: Texture synthesis for data
visualization. ACM SIGGRAPH Computer
Graphics 25, 309-318.
Page 210, lines 14-15:
Page 213, after line 6, add
the following:
For point processes, Błaszczyszyn and Yogeshwaran
(2014) propose a way to use the void probabilities and factorial moment
measures to compare variability properties (the degree of clustering) of
processes with equal intensity, e.g. Cox processes.
Błaszczyszyn, B. and Yogeshwaran, D. (2014). On
comparison of clustering properties of point processes. Adv. Appl. Prob. 46,
Page 215, the fourth line in
the last paragraph of Section 6.2.1, after the word “respectively”, add the
the latter paper the Gibbs distribution is
interpreted as a weighted version of the distribution of the typical Poisson polygon
or polyhedron, see pages 371 and 374. Figure 6.A shows typical realisations of the Poisson polygon/polyhedron (unweighted)
and of a weighted version which prefers circular/spherical shapes. The authors
described statistical methods for the estimation of model parameters.
(a) |
(b) |
(c) |
(d) |
6.A Realisations of
(a) unweighted Poisson polygons, (b) weighted Poisson polygons, (c) unweighted
Poisson polyhedral, and (d) weighted Poisson polyhedral.
Page 215, end of Section 6.2.2,
Aggregates of agglomerating particles
sets formed by aggregation of (spherical) primary particles play an important
role in particle technology, chemistry and physics. A classical model was
developed by Smoluchowski (1917), which is based on
Brownian motion and contact rules for colliding primary particles.
6.B Sample agglomerates from (a) single particle
aggregation and (b) cluster-cluster particle aggregation. Reproduced from Teichmann
and van den Boogaart (2015, Figure 3).
6.B shows two typical planar aggregates, which are simulated according to a
simpler model in Teichmann and van den Boogaart (2015), in which three-dimensional sets are also
considered. The distribution of random compact sets of such a nature is probably
best described by means of characteristics which see such a particle from its centre of gravity as e.g. the distribution of the distances
of the primary particles from this centre. The
coordination number distribution of the primary particles also gives valuable
insight into the particle structure. The authors also study empirical data,
which is available via
this link.
J. and van den Boogaart, K.G. (2015) Cluster models
for random particle aggregates—Morphological statistics and collision distance.
Spatial Statistics 12, 65-80.
von Smoluchowski, M. (1917) Versuch einer mathematischen
Theorie der Koagulationskinetik
kolloider Lösungen. Z. Phys. Chem. 92, 129-168.
Page 229, end of Section
It is useful to consider random-set characteristics
that are combined of densities. Of particular interest are the structure model index
= 12 VV MV
/ SV2
the trabecular bone pattern factor
= MV /
were both developed in the context of analysis of bone structures, but are of
much wider interest. See Hahn et al.
(1992), Hildenbrand and Rüegsegger (1997) and Ohser et al. (2009).
The former one is a dimensionless “shape factor”,
which takes for germ‑grain models of non-overlapping constant spheres,
cylinders or plates the values 4, 3 and 0, respectively. The latter is
scale-dependent and equals, for germ‑grain models with non-overlapping convex
grains, the ratio /
It can be interpreted as the mean curvature in the typical surface point of X.
Both characteristics have the property to change the
sign if applied to the complement of X.
For systems of holes they take negative values.
Hahn, M., Vogel, M., Pompesius-Kempa, M., and Delling,
G. (1992). Trabecular bone pattern factor—a new parameter for simple
quantification of bone microarchitecture. Bone
13, 327-330.
Hildenbrand, T. and Rüegsegger, P. (1997). A new
method for the model-independent assessment of thickness in three-dimensional
images. J. Microsc. 185, 67-75.
Ohser, J., Redenbach, C., and Schladitz, K. (2009).
Mesh free estimation of the structure model index. Image Anal. Stereol. 28,
Page 241, equation (6.103):
distribution with a density function as in (6.103) is called half normal distribution.
Page 243, before the
subsection on The Stienen model:
and Torquato (2014) used Voronoi
tessellations for the statistical characterisation of
hard ball packings. They stated that the distributions of the Minkowski functionals of single
cells are not suitable for the characterisation of
jammed packings of identical balls. In order to characterise
the spatial structure of such Voronoi tessellations
they also employed mark correlation functions, where the points are the ball centres and the marks the Minkowski
functionals of the corresponding cells, as in Stoyan and Hermann (1986).
M. A. and Torquato, S. (2014). Characterization of
maximally random jammed sphere packings: Voronoi
correlation functions. Phys. Rev. E 90, 052120.
D. and Hermann, H. (1986). Some methods for statistical analysis of planar
random tessellations. Statistics 17, 407-420.
Page 244, 4 lines from
The property that each ball is in touch with a ball of
equal or smaller size is known as the smaller-grain-neighbour property.
Page 245, before Section
study random systems of moving particles. These particles can be hard or soft.
They can have contacts or collisions, where physical forces act. A modern
source to the literature is the book Nikrityuk and
Meyer (2014). There for example the following problems are studied: the
breaking dam problem and the behaviour of rolling
particles in a rotating drum. All is based on physically founded simulation
important, frequently studied problem is the radial porosity in packed beds of
balls. Imagine a long cylinder filled with hard balls of constant radius.
Consider then a random point within the cylinder of distance r from the boundary of the cylinder. The
probability that this point is not within one of the balls is the value of
radial porosity e(r). Mueller (2010) contains very precise
(empirically found) formulae for e(r)
Mueller, G. E. (2010). Radial
porosity in packed beds of spheres. Powder
Technology 203, 626-633.
P. A. and Meyer, B. eds
(2014). Gasification Processes: Modeling
and Simulation. Wiley-VCH, Weinheim.
Pages 266-269, Example 6.6:
heather example is perhaps not fully perfect.
a. The
estimates for AA and NA are not in full agreement
with the theory: if AA =
0.5, then the equality NA =
0 follows. However, the values given on page 267, last line, are only
statistical estimates.
b. Dr.
Felix Ballani carried out goodness-of-fit tests as mentioned on page 269, using
the spherical contact distribution function and Mecke’s morphological functions
related to LA and NA. He found that the model
is accepted by the first two functions but not by the third. For small r (r
< 0.2 m) the empirical function lies outside simulated envelopes.
in passing that Figure 6.14 shows a smoothed version of the heather data, while
the estimates come from the original data.
Page 269, add the following
to the end:
Intensity functions for
non-stationary random measures
analogy to the intensity function L(x) of a point process, one can define an
intensity function for a non-stationary random measure that is absolutely
continuous with respect to a Hausdorff measure of
suitable dimensions. This includes the cases of fibre
and surface processes. The paper Camerlenghi et al. (2014) discusses such functions
under the name mean density and
studies correspponding kernel estimators.
F., Capasso, V., and Villa, E. (2014). On the
estimation of the mean density of random closed sets. J. Multivariate Anal. 125,
Page 332:
and Thäle (2013) studied g(r) for the segment process of edges of
the Poisson-Voronoi tessellation and other tessellations.
Redenbach, C. and Thäle,
C. (2013). Second-order comparison of three fundamental tessellation models. Statistics 47, 237-257.
Page 333, line 12:
further reference is Ciccariello et al. (2016).
S., Riello, P., and Benedetti, A. (2016). Small-angle
scattering behavior of thread-like and film-like systems. J. Appl. Crystallography. 49,
Page 333, add to the end of
the second paragraph:
paper Redenbach et
al. (2014) contains formulae for pair correlation functions for some
spatial fibre processes: Poisson line process and
edge systems of Poisson hyperplane and STIT tessellations. For the edge system
of the Poisson Voronoi tessellation an approximation
is presented, which was obtained by the Cox-process method mentioned on page
330. This function is similar to the functions shown in Figure 9.12.
of thick fibres that do not overlap are considered in
Altendorf and Jeulin (2011) and Gaiselmann et
al. (2013). For their simulation collective rearrangement algorithms are
Altendorf, H. and Jeulin, D. (2011). Random-wallk based stochastic modeling
of three-dimensional fiber systems. Phys.
Rev. E 83, 041804.
Gaiselmann, G., Froning,
D., Tötzke, C., Quick, C., Manke, I., Lehnert, W., and Schmidt, V. (2013)
Stochastic 3D modeling of non-woven materials with wet-proofing agent. Int. J. Hydrogen Energy 38, 8448-8460.
C., Ohser, J., and Moghiseh,
A. (2014). Second-order characteristics of the edge system of random
tessellations and the PPI value of foams. Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab.,
DOI: 10.1007/s11009-014-9403-x
Page 338, end of Example
Ciccariello et al. (2016) contains formulae in its
section 3.4.3 that enable the determination of second-order characteristics for
the case of a Boolean model with rectangular surface pieces.
S., Riello, P., and Benedetti, A. (2016). Small-angle
scattering behavior of thread-like and film-like systems. J. Appl. Crystallography. 49,
Page 338, add to the end of
line -10:
surfaces are systematically studied in Stoyan (2014).
They are of practical interest in the context of interfaces between fluids and
porous substrates modeled by hard-ball systems.
D. (2014). Surfaces of hard-sphere systems.
Image Anal. Stereol. 33, 225-229.
Page 351 line 5 and page 390
Section 9.10.1:
Alpers et al. (2015) and Teferra
and Graham-Brady (2015) considered independently an important representation
problem for planar and spatial tessellations, which is very important in the
context of polycrystalline structures. A tessellation is described by a marked
point process with nucleation sites (nuclei) as points and parameters
describing growth (speed and geometry of growth) as marks. For example, growth
may be ellipsoidal. The determination of the parameters is based on some optimisation procedure. The corresponding tessellations can
be constructed by standard techniques. Usually their cell boundaries are curved
on the plane and non-planar in space.
Note the use of the term “representation”. This
approach does not claim to describe the physical processes leading to
polycrystalline structures. For this purpose perhaps (much more complicated)
models in the spirit of Johnson-Mehl models may be
Two teams, one formed by Andreas Alpers,
Fabian Klemm and Peter Gritzmann,
and the other by Kirubel Teferra,
helped the authors of this book to carry out the following experiment: Using as
data Figure 9.7 on page 353, which shows a Johnson-Mehl
tessellation, the two teams reconstructed the tessellations with their programs
independently. The better result was obtained by Alpers,
Klemm and Gritzmann shown
in Figure 9.A. Each cell here is described by 4 parameters (cell volume,
lengths of the semiaxes, and rotation angle of the principal
component ellipsoid of the cell) plus the coordinates of the centres of gravity. These parameters were determined as
described in Section 3 of Alpers et al. (2015).
9.A A tessellation
reconstructed from Figure 9.7 by using the representation in Alpers et al.
(2015). Courtesy of A. Alpers, F. Klemm and P. Gritzmann.
The power of the algorithm of Alpers
et al. (2015) is impressive: Though
the tessellation in Figure 9.7 results from a process in which growth in the
sites starts subsequently, the representation belongs to a model in which all
sites start at the same instant!
A., Brieden, A., Gritzmann,
P., Lyckegaard, A., and Poulsen,
H. F. (2015). Generalized balanced power diagrams for 3D representations of polycrystals. Philosophical
Magazine 95, 1016-1028.
K. and Graham-Brady, L. (2015). Tessellation growth models for polycrystalline
microstructures. Computational Materials
Science 102, 57-67.
Page 352:
name for the Voronoi S-tessellation is Set
Voronoi diagram, as used in Schaller et
al. (2013). In that paper the tessellation is defined with respect to the
three-dimensional assemblies of arbitrary particles. This idea is already appeared
in mathematical morphology, see Lantuejoul (1978b) and Preteux (1992). Figure
9.B shows the S-tessellations relative to a system of ellipses and a system of
9.B (a) A planar S-tessellation relative
to a system of ellipses and (b) a spatial S-tessellation relative to a system
of ellipsoids. Courtesy of G. Schröder-Turk.
Lantuejoul (1978b): given on page 479.
Preteux, E. (1992). Watershed and skeleton by
influence zones: a distance-based approach. J.
Math. Imaging Vis. 1, 239-255.
Schaller, F. M., Kapfer, S. C., Evans, M. E.,
Hoffmann, M. J. F., Aste, T., Saadatfar, M., Mecke, K., Delaney, G. W., and
Schröder-Turk, G. E. (2013). Set Voronoi diagrams of 3D assemblies of
aspherical particles. Phil. Mag. 93, 3993-4017.
Page 352, line -1:
and Thäle (2014) introduced three more parameters, namely, the probabilities that
the typical edge is a side of zero, one and two cells and established further
mean-value formulae for tessellations that are not side-to-side.
Cowan, R. and Thäle, C. (2014). The character of
planar tessellations which are not side-to-side. Image
Anal. Stereol. 33, 39-54.
Page 354, before the
subsection on Crack and STIT tessellation:
tessellations (Voronoi, Laguerre, Johnson-Mehl) discussed so far are based on circular/spherical
growth or topology around the generating points. Jeulin
(2014) generalised this to other topologies, e.g.
with ellipsoidal unit spheres. Even more general are constructions based on
random fields, generating points and watershed construction. The paper Altendorf et al.
(2014) presents applications to polycrystalline materials.
D. (2014). Random tessellations generated by Boolean random functions. Pattern Recogn.
Lett. 47, 139-146.
H., Latourte, F., Jeulin,
D., Faessel, M., and Saintoyant,
L. (2014). 3D reconstruction of a multiscale microstructure by anisotropic
tessellation models. Image Anal. Stereol. 33,
Page 386, before Section
limiting distributions of various extreme values, such as the minimum and the
maximum of the circumradii or the minimum and the maximum of the areas of
Poisson-Delaunay triangles observed in a bounded window are studied in
Chenavier (2014). It shows that the triangle having the largest area tends to
be equilateral.
Chenavier, N. (2014). A general study of extremes of
stationary tessellations with examples. Stoch.
Process. Appl., DOI: 10.1016/
Page 396, Example 9.4:
Laguerre tessellation does not yield the observed edge length distributions of
foams. Kraynik (2006) reports that better results are obtained if the Laguerre
tessellation is annealed by the surface evolver.
Kraynik, A. M. (2006). The structure of random foam. Adv. Eng. Mater. 8, 900-906.
Page 398, lines 9-10:
after Sok et al. (2002) and before van Dalen et al. (2007), add: Vogel
(2002): given on page 502 of the book.
Page 400, after formula
(9.145), add:
variance of the degree distribution {
is also a useful topological characteristic.
Pages 425-436, Section 10.4
(a note of sampling methods as in Section 10.4.3 and Section 10.4.4):
and Kiderlen (2013) considered a local approach to
the Wicksell problem. Each ball is assumed to contain a reference point (which
is not the centre, otherwise the problem would be
trivial) and the individual ball is sampled with an isotropic random plane
through its reference point. Both the section circle and the position of the
reference point in the profile are recorded and used to estimate the ball
radius distribution.
Ó. and Kiderlen, M. (2013). Wicksell's problem in
local stereology. Adv. Appl. Prob. 45, 925-944.
Page 444, the end of Section
et al. (2014) showed by simulation
that SV can be approximated
bycρ1, where ρ1 is the radius of the first
interference ring of the power spectrum of the length measure of the edge
system in a random tessellation. However, the parameter c is not a universal constant for all models. Nevertheless, it is empirically stable in
realisations from the same model or samples of the same material.
Redenbach, C., Ohser, J., and Moghiseh, A. (2014).
Second-order characteristics of the edge system of random tessellations and the
PPI value of foams. Methodol. Comput.
Appl. Probab., DOI: 10.1007/s11009-014-9403-x
Typos and Corrections:
Page 167, equations (5.28)
and (5.29): The capital L is used to denote
a random intensity function in these two equations, but L is
also used to denote a deterministic intensity measure or a realisation
of the random measure Y on page 166, around equation (5.25).
Thus, to avoid confusion, the following changes should be made:
(a) Four lines above equation (5.28):
“However, such a field cannot be used as
the intensity field of a Cox process since it can take negative values.” à “However,
the integral of such a field cannot be used as the driving random measure Y(B) of a Cox process since Z(x)
can take negative values.”
(b) One line above equation (5.28), after “in a mathematically
tractable model, is”, add the following words:
exp(Z(x)) as the random intensity function,
(c) Equation (5.28) should be:
(d) Two lines above equation (5.29):
“The random intensity of…” à “The
random driving measure of…”
(e) Equation (5.29) should be:
Page 233, equation (6.87): the
denominator should be
Page 262, equation (6.157): it should be
Page 374, Table 9.3, the
last row, the second to last column: in the expression for the
cross-product moment between N and ,
the denominator should be 24r,
instead of 12r,
Table 9.3 …
original incorrect expression was taken from Santaló
(1976, p.297) [who referred to Miles (1973); however, it seems these formulae
came from Miles (1972b, p.252)]. The mistake probably was caused by the difference
in the parameters: In our notation, Santaló used r (the mean number of planes intersected by
a test line segment of unit length) while Miles used SV (the intensity of the Poisson plane process). The denominator of the corresponding
expression in Miles (1972b) is 12SV,
which is equal to 24r,
but Santaló forgot to change 12 to 24 after reparametrisation; nevertheless, the other expressions for
the moments in Santaló (1976) agree with Miles
Page 430, equation (10.50): The
n in the denominator on the
right-hand side should be replaced by p.
Page 457, line 25: The
bibliographical detail of the reference Ballani and
van den Boogaart (2013) is
and van den Boogaart (2014), Methodol. Comput. Appl. Probab.
16, 369-384.
Page 461, line -3: The
bibliographical detail of Chiu and Liu (2013) is
Biometrics 69, 497-507.
Page 468, line 27: The
bibliographical detail of Ghorbani (2012) is
M. (2013). Metrika 76, 697-706.
Page 469, lines -1 and -2: The
reference Gille (2014) should be
W. (2014). Particle and Particle Systems
Characterization: Small-Angle Scattering (SAS) Applications. CRC, Boca
Page 486, line 8: The
publication year of the reference Molchanov and Stoyan (1995) should be 1996, instead of 1995.