Consider the
following equation
sum_{i,j=1}^n U^{ij} w_{ij} = - L,
w =[det((partial^2 u)/(partial xi_i partial xi_j))]^a,
where L is some given C^infty function, u(xi) is a smooth and
strictly convex function defined in a convex domain in R^n, (U^{ij}) denotes the
cofactor matrix of the Hessian matrix
(partial^2 u)/(partial xi_i partial xi_j) and a <> 0 is a constant. When a = -(n+1)/(n+2) and L=0, the above equation is the equation
for affine maximal hypersurfaces.
When a = -1 it is called the Abreu equation, which
appears in the study of the differential geometry of toric
varieties, where L is the scalar curvature of the Kahler
metric. In this talk, we will discuss some recent development on the study of the relevant differential equations in the differential geometry.