SIAM ALA18 will offer some student/post-doc travel awards to Phd student or post-doc (within two years after graduation) presenters in SIAM ALA18 conference. If you would like to apply for the student/post-doc travel award,
please send the following information to siamala18award@math.hkbu.edu.hk.
The title and abstract of your presentation
(oral or poster) (if it is a minisymposium talk, please also provide the title of the minisymposium)
- A curriculum vitae
- A support letter from the advisor
Deadline of application: 31 October 2017
For the recipents of student/post-doc travel awards, they
must register and attend the conference, and present the talk.
Due to the limited number of travel awards, the awardee will be
selected by the SIAM ALA18 Co-Chairs.
- The SIAM ALA18 will notify the applicants for the award by
mid-December 2017.