SIAM-IS14 will offer some student/post-doc travel awards to Phd student or
post-doc (within two years after graduation) speakers of
minisymposium/contributed talks in SIAM-IS14 conference.
If you would like to apply for the student/post-doc travel award, please
send the following information to
The title and abstract of minisymposium/contributed talks
(if it is a minisymposium talk, please also provide the title
of the minisymposium)
- A curriculum vitae
- A support letter from the advisor
Deadline of application: 30 October 2013
For the recipents of student/post-doc travel awards, they
must register and attend the conference, and present the talk.
Due to the limited number of travel awards, the awardee will be
selected by the SIAM-IS14 Co-Chairs.
- The SIAM-IS14 will notify the applicants for the award by
mid-December 2013.