Conference Organization
- Chair, Local Organizing Committee, 2014 IMS Asia Pacific Rim Meeting.
- Chair, Organizing Committee, The 2012 Taipei International Statistics Workshop, Taipei
- Session Organizer, The 2nd Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting,
Tsukuba 2012.
- Joint Organizer, International Session, 2011 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Statistical
Association, Taipei 2011.
- Organizer, Workshop on Time Series and Applications, Taipei 2011.
- Joint Organizer, International Session, 2010 Fall Meeting of the Korean Statistical Society,
Suwon 2010.
- Member, Scientific Program Committee, The 1st Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia
Pacific Rim Meeting, Seoul 2009.
- Session Organizer, The 1st Institute of Mathematical Statistics Asia Pacific Rim Meeting,
Seoul 2009.
- Session Organizer, IMS-China International Conference on Statistics and Probability, Wei-
hai 2009.
- Session Organizer, 2009 International Conference on Financial Statistics and Financial
Econometrics, Chengdu 2009.
- Joint Organizer, International Session, 2009 Annual Meeting of the Japan Statistical So-
ciety, Kyoto 2009.
- Joint Organizer, International Session, 2008 Annual Meeting of the Chinese Statistical
Association, Taipei 2008.
- Sessions Organizer, International Session, 2007 Fall Meeting of the Korean Statistical
Society, Seoul 2007.
- Chair, Organizing Committee, The 2006 Taipei International Statistics Workshop, Taipei
- Joint Organizer, The 2006 Biostatistics Mini Workshop, Taipei 2006.
- Organizer, Statistics Session, The 2005 Mathematical Society of ROC (TMS) & American
Mathematical Society Joint International Conference, Taichung 2005.
- Organizer, Statistics Session, The 2002 International Mathematics Conference and 36th
Annual Meeting of the Mathematical Society of ROC, Taichung 2002.