Organized Conferences
- 2022 Co-chair, AI and Big Data Research for Health Improvement Symposium 30-31 August 2022, HKU
- 2020 Organizer, Online Workshop on Data Science 18 April 2020, HKU
- 2020 Organizer, Workshop on
Matrix and Tensor Computations
22 January 2020, HKU
- 2019 Organizer, Workshop on Scientific Computing
8 August 2019, HKU
- 2019 Organizer, Workshop on Data and Imaging Science (II)
28-29 June 2019, HKBU
- 2019 Organizer, Workshop on Data and Imaging Science
30-31 May 2019, HKBU
- 2019 Organizer, IIT-HKBU Workshop on
Data and Imaging Sciences, 21-22 February 2019, HKBU
- 2018 Co-chair, SIAM Conference on Applied Linear Algebra, 4-8 May 2018, Hong Kong
- 2017 Organizer, The First International Conference on
Mathematics of Data Science (MathDS), 20-24 March 2017, HKBU
- 2017 Co-chair, The Fifteenth Asia Pacific Bioinformatics Conference, 16-18 January 2017, Shenzhen
- 2015 Organizer, Joint Fudan-HKBU Workshop on Data Science, 11-13 May 2015, HKBU
- 2014 Co-chair, SIAM Conference on Imaging Science,
12-14 May 2014, Hong Kong
- 2014 Organizer, The Workshop on Structured Tensors, 17
January 2014, PolyU
- 2013 Organizer, International Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra with Applications (in honor of the 75th birthday of Prof. Robert Plemmons), 17-18 November 2013, CUHK
- 2013 Organizer, CMIV Workshop on Computational Methods and Image Processing, 20 August 2013, HKBU
- 2013 Organizer, CMIV Workshop on Matrix Analysis and Applications
8 July 2013, HKBU
- 2013 Organizer, CMIV Workshop on Numerical Linear Algebra,
11 March 2013, HKBU
- 2012 Organizer, International Conference on Imaging Science (in honor of Professor Stanley Osher at his 70th birthday), 12-14
December 2012, Hong Kong
- 2012 Organizer, Workshop on Matrix Computations in
Memory of Professor Gene Golub, 29 February 2012, HKBU
- 2012 Organizer, CMIV Workshop on Optimization and its Applications,
9 January 2012, HKBU
- 2012 Organizer, The International Conference on Scientific Computing , In honor of Prof. Tony F. Chan at his 60th birthday for his contributions in Scientific Computing, 4-7 January 2012, HKUST and CUHK
- 2011 Organizer, CMIV Workshop on Bioinformatics, 13 December 2011,
- 2011 Organizer, The Fourth International Conference on Scientific Computing and
PDEs, 5-9 December 2011, HKBU
- 2011 Organizer, Summer Workshop on Imaging Sciences:
Part I, 26 July 2011 and
Part II, 29 August 2011, HKBU
- 2011 Organizer Workshop on Imaging Sciences,
30 April 2011, HKBU
- 2011 Organizer, The Third Workshop on Numerical Algebra and High Performance Computation, 26-27 March 2011, CUHK
- 2011 Program Co-chair, IEEE International
Conference on Bioinformatics & Biomedicine (BIBM), 18-21 December 2010, Hong Kong
- 2011 Organizer Joint China and Russia Conference on Computational Mathematics,
1-3 November 2010, HKBU
- 2010 Organizer Workshop on Computational Imaging Sciences,
12 August 2010, HKBU
- 2010 Organizer The 3rd International Conference on Structured Matrices and Tensors, 19- 22 January 2010, HKBU and PolyU
- 2009 Tutorial Co-chair, The 18th ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Hong Kong
- 2009 Organizer, Hong Kong Virtual Institute for Imaging Sciences and Applications (VIISA) Symposium, 9 November 2009, HKBU
- 2009 Organizer, International Conference On Preconditioning Techniques For Scientific And Industrial Applications, 24-26 August 2009, HKBU
- 2008 Organizer, ASI Symposium on Bioinformatics and Data Mining,
26-27 February 2009, HKBU
- 2008 Organizer, The Third International Conference on Scientific Computing and PDEs,
8-12 December 2008, HKBU
- 2008 Organizer, Workshop on Tensor: Theory, Algorithms and
Applications, 22 July 2008, HKBU
- 2008 Director, Croucher Advanced Study Institute - Mathematical & Algorithmic Challenges for Modelling & Analysing Modern Data Sets, 21-25 April 2008, HKBU
- 2008 Organizer, Gene Around the World, 29 February 2008, HKBU
- 2007 Organizer, Workshop on Solution Methods for Saddle Point
Systems, 31 October 2007, HKBU
- 2007 Adviser, RGC Postgraduate Students Conference on Computer Imaging & Vision,
June 12-15 June 2007, HKBU
- 2007 Organizer, Joint France/Hong Kong Image Processing Workshop
2 February 2007, HKBU
- 2006-2019 Director, Centre for Mathematical Imaging and Vision
(Conferences and Workshops;
Lectures and Seminars), HKBU
- 2006-2008 Organizer, NSF Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU):
USA-Hong Kong REU in Numerical Analysis and Scientific Computing
with Applications in Applied Science and Engineering, Hong Kong
- 2006 Organizer, Workshop on Linear Algebra with Applications,
10 November 2006, HKBU
- 2006 Organizer, The 2nd International Conference on Structured Matrices,
8-11 June, 2006, HKBU
- 2006 Organizer, The 2nd International Conference on Structured Matrices, 8-11 June 2006, HKBU
- 2005 Organizer, The Second International Conference on Scientific
Computing and PDEs , 12-16 December 2005, HKBU
- 2005 Organizer, International Conference on Superresolution Imaging, 29-31 August 2005, HKU
- 2002 Organizer, Workshop on Data Mining and Modeling, 27-28 June 2002, HKU
- 2002 Organizer, International Conference on Structured Matrices, 29 May-1 June, 2002, CUHK and HKU
- 2001 Organizer, Workshop on Matrix Computations, 24 May 2001, HKU
- 2001 Committee Member, The 5th Pacific-Asia Knowledge Discovery in Database Conference (PAKDD-01), 16-18 April 2001, Hong Kong
- 2001 Organizer, Workshop on Computational Methods for ODEs, 16 January, HKU
- 2000 Organizer, Workshop on Mathematics in Image Processing, 14-16 December 2000, HKU