1. Mu, W., Chiu, S. N., and Wang, G.
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2. Stoyan, D. and Chiu, S. N. (2024)
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3. Feng, S., Tong, T. and Chiu, S. N.
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4. Jin, L., Chiu, S. N., Zhao, J., and
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5. Chiu, S. N. and Liu, K. I. (2022)
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6. Chiu, S. N., Ling, L., and McCourt,
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10. Wong, K. Y. and Chiu, S. N. (2015)
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11. Chiu, S. N. and Yin, C. C. (2014) On
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12. Chiu, S. N. and Liu, K. I. (2013)
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14. Ng, L. K. Y., Lee, K. Y. S., Chiu,
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16. Chiu, S. N. (2010) Approximate and
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17. Chiu, S. N. and Liu, K. I. (2009)
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19. Ho, L. P. and Chiu, S. N. (2009)
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20. Lee, K. Y. S., Chiu, S. N., van
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21. Chiu, S. N. (2008) Reduced Palm
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22. Tong, C. S., Choy, S. K., Chiu, S.
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23. Tscheschel, A. and Chiu, S. N. (2008)
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24. Chiu, S. N. (2007) Correction to
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25. Ho, L. P. and Chiu, S. N. (2007)
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26. Ho, L. P. and Chiu, S. N. (2006)
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27. Chiu, S. N. and Yin, C. C. (2005)
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28. Cowan, R. and Chiu, S. N. (2005)
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29. Yin, C. C. and Chiu, S. N. (2005)
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30. Yin, C. C. and Chiu, S. N. (2005)
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31. Yin, C. C. and Chiu, S. N. (2004) A
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32. Chiu, S. N. (2003) Spatial point
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33. Chiu, S. N. and Molchanov,
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36. Chiu, S. N. and Lee, H. Y. (2002) A
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37. Chiu, S. N. and Yin, C. C. (2002) On
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38. Chiu, S. N. and Yin, C. C. (2002)
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39. Garbarnik, P and Chiu, S. N. (2002)
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40. Lee, K. Y. S., Chiu, S. N. and van
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41. Lee, K. Y. S., van Hasselt, C. A.,
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42. Chiu, S. N. and Quine, M. P. (2001)
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43. Yin, C. C. and Chiu, S. N. (2001)
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44. Chiu, S. N., Quine, M. P. and
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45. Chiu, S. N. and Yin, C. C. (2000)
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49. Chiu, S. N. and Stoyan, D. (1998)
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50. Chiu, S. N. (1997) A central limit
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51. Chiu, S. N. and Quine, M. P. (1997)
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52. Chiu, S. N., van de Weygaert, R. and
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53. Chiu, S. N. (1995) Aboav-Weaire's and Lewis' laws - - - a review. Materials
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54. Chiu, S. N. (1995) A comment on Rivier's maximum entropy method of statistical
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55. Chiu, S. N. (1995) Limit theorems
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56. Cowan, R., Chiu, S. N. and Holst, L.
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57. Chiu, S. N. (1994) Mean-value
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58. Cowan, R. and Chiu, S. N. (1994) A
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