Registration Fees for each participant:
Early Bird |
After 15 Oct |
Regular Participants |
HK$1,500 |
HK$2,000 |
Student Participants |
HK$1,000 |
HK$1,400 |
- Participation in the Conference
- Welcome Reception
- Printed Conference Programme
- Refreshments and Light Lunchs
- On-site Internet Access
- Conference Banquet
- Local Tour
Local participants can register for attending the ICCP8 conference free of charge.
Registration Form
Please return the registration form with payment (if any) for your registration to be completed.
Important Dates
Deadline for early bird registration: |
15 October 2012 |
Deadline for abstract submission: |
1 November 2012 |
Notification of abstract acceptance: |
15 November 2012 |
Submission of full paper: |
31 January 2013
15 March 2013